Diving Sites in Port Blair
If you are a passionate scuba diver and want to teach a speciality course that interests you, then take the PADI Speciality Instructor course. You can choose from a number of specialities such as deep diver, night diver, public safety diver, wreck diver, etc. there are more than 25 standard PADI Specialty Diver courses to choose from.
Teaching speciality diver courses is all about more scuba diving and more adventure. Enrol for a speciality instructor course from a PADI centre if you want to make your speciality diver courses really special. Teaching tips and hands-on experience are provided in the PADI Speciality Instructor courses. You can implement these right away while diving. There are 25 standard PADI Specialty Diver courses and a number of distinctive specialities. Therefore, you have a lot to choose from.
To take up this course, you must be a renewed PADI Assistant Instructor, PADI Instructor or have completed an IDC or Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) program within the past one year.
Taking speciality instructor training courses is very much beneficial for PADI Instructors. Those, who are ready to step up to the Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) rating, can benefit even more. This requires a minimum of at least 5 PADI Specialty Instructor certifications.
Certain speciality instructor courses can be taken by PADI Assistant Instructors, instructor candidates in training, and PADI Divemasters. However, there are some specialities that have additional prerequisites as well as exit requirements.
During the PADI Speciality Instructor course, new techniques will be taught to you that will add to your skills in a speciality area. This will fine-tune your skills and teaching methods. In addition to that, you will also get great ideas for marketing the speciality diver courses.
The PADI Speciality Instructor course is all about diving more, having more fun, and teaching about your favourite subjects. It offers you valuable teaching tips that meet the requirements of the course. There are around 27 standard speciality courses in addition to the distinctive speciality courses your Course Director may offer. To earn the Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) rating, one needs to have 5 speciality instructor ratings as it is a prerequisite for that.
From many cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai, there are daily flights to the island’s capital Port Blair. One can book a flight with Air India, GoAir, IndiGo, Spicejet and Vistara to reach the Veer Savarkar International Airport in Port Blair. To reach Havelock Island, you can book a ferry. The entire journey via the ocean is an adventure in itself.
The months from October to May are the best months for scuba diving on the island. The weather is clear and the tides and winds are also favourable. The water is clearer during these months. One should avoid the monsoon season as diving depends on weather conditions. The activity may get cancelled due to unforeseen weather.
Havelock Island, officially known as Swaraj Dweep now, is an ideal location for scuba diving in the Andaman Islands for beginners as well as experts. The beauty of its underwaters is simply amazing. You will spot colourful corals and lovely fishes.
This island is the topmost destination for scuba diving in India. Its marine world is very rich and one of a kind. Under its waters, you can spot a number of Colourful and patterned corals and fishes. The seabed gardens here are just awesome! The deeper you go, the more you will be able to explore. The best thing is that scuba diving is for everyone–beginners as well as experts. Even non-swimmers can enjoy a lot during this enthralling water sport.
Scuba diving is not just a water sport: it is a lifestyle! If you are extremely passionate and have decided that you want to pursue this seriously, then taking the PADI Speciality Instructor course with us is going to be very helpful and fun-filled for you.